
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
S1E03: "Witch"
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Buffy just wants some normal in her life, so she tries out for cheerleading. But some girls, it seems, will stop at nothing to get a coveted spot on the team. When cheerleaders begin falling one by one to mysterious, magical ailments, there’s only one possibility: there’s a witch at Sunnydale High, and Buffy is going to be her next target.
Hear us discuss…
Xander’s unhealthy obsession with Buffy and the pervy POV the show foists upon us. Buffy really steps it up in this episode in terms of everyday heroism, plus we see new (but definitely not better) sides to Cordelia. Also some discussion of mother/daughter relationships and what makes them healthy (or not).
Trigger warnings
Child neglect/abuse, disordered eating, fatphobia
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram and Facebook
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
We love hearing from our listeners!

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
S1E02: "The Harvest"
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Picking up literally where the previous episode left off, this episode reveals the Master's grand plan to escape and unleash hell on Sunnydale. But Xander and Willow are reeling from learning that Buffy is the Slayer, and there's still the matter of how they can rescue Jesse from the Master's clutches.
Hear us discuss…
More about the mysterious stranger who has helped out Buffy--his name is Angel, and Steph stans him. We also learn about some of the mythology behind vampires and Sunnydale here. Steph and I are keen on Buffy and Willow's character development in this episode, less so on Xander's.
Trigger warnings
sexual assault
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram and Facebook
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
We love hearing from our listeners!

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
S1E01: "Welcome to the Hellmouth"
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
In this first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we meet the main characters and the first season's Big Bad, the Master. Buffy is reluctant to resume her role as Slayer in her new town of Sunnydale. Nevertheless, when her newfound friends are threatened by vampire activity, Buffy must rise to the occasion while the Master plots to escape from a magical prison.
Hear us discuss…
Buffy’s first meetings with Xander, Willow, and Giles, as well as on Buffy's relationship with her mom. This is a horny episode in a show that in general talks a lot about sexuality! Hear our thoughts on Xander and Jesse's inappropriate boy perviness, a hot boi Buffy has to tackle in an alley, and how the very first scene sets the tone for this entire series.
Trigger warnings
bullying, mentions of death, sexual harassment
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram and Facebook
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
We love hearing from our listeners!

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Intro Episode: Meet Your Hosts & the Show
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Stephanie and Kara introduce themselves and this podcast! Learn how they met, their Buffhistories, and their favourite seasons, episodes, and characters in Buffy.
Check out Kara’s book reviews: https://kara.reviews/ and her other podcast: https://wejustliketotalk.com/
Check out Stephanie’s other podcast:
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram and Facebook
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
We love hearing from our listeners!

Monday Feb 08, 2021
Trailer - Prophecy Girls Drops March 11
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Welcome to our Buffy the Vampire Slayer rewatch podcast! Your hosts Stephanie and Kara are going to take you through this series from the beginning. This is a short trailer explaining what we're all about. Subscribe to this feed to get the first episodes starting March 11.
For more information, go to prophecygirls.ca