
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
S2E18: "Killed by Death"
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Buffy ends up in hospital, laid low by the flu. She manages to avoid becoming a test subject for an overly confident white male doctor and also beats up the competent Black doctor who’s just doing her job! But Buffy has noticed there’s a supernatural cause to the deaths of several children. To foil the monster responsible, instead of getting healthier, Buffy has to make herself even more ill. But can she really fight death?
Hear us discuss…
- Where’s Billy and that helpful doctor from “Nightmares”??
- How this episode feels so season 1
- All the Scoobies try to help in their own way
- This is actually a really good exploration of mortality
- You get to choose between penis-stalk eyes and fangs; having both is greedy!
Trigger warnings
Child death, neck snapping
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- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Aug 19, 2021
S2E17: "Passion"
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
With Angelus encroaching more on Buffy, she decides she has to tell Joyce everything. Well, not everything. But Joyce finds out that Buffy had sex with a mysterious and now abusive older guy. That goes about as well as you expect. Meanwhile, Jenny thinks she might have a way to restore Angel’s soul—and regain the Scoobies’ good graces. But no one is prepared for what Angelus has in store for Buffy, and nothing will ever be the same again.
Hear us discuss…
- Why did it take this long for them to uninvite Angelus?
- Angel and Dru are totally doing it.
- Dogs can be evil too!
- How this show handles abuse and grief with sensitivity
- Jenny
Trigger warnings
Ableism, abusive relationship, death, grief, neck-snapping
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Aug 12, 2021
S2E16: "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered"
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Cordelia dumps Xander to get back in with the popular crowd. Xander takes this about as well as you would expect—that is, extremely poorly. So poorly he has Amy cast a love spell that will leave Cordelia craving him for the rest of her days. Of course, no magic in Sunnydale works as intended, and Xander soon finds himself far more desirable than desired.
Hear us discuss…
- Cordelia’s hard choices
- Xander needs to stop giving women jewelry
- Sweet, precious Willow, no!!
- Oz acting out of character
- Let’s stop congratulating Xander for doing the right thing
Trigger warnings
Sexual assault and harassment
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Aug 05, 2021
S2E15: "Phases"
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
We all know adolescence brings changes. Body hair, a more acute sense of smell, attraction to the sexual heat of one’s fellow teens—wait, nope, that’s being a werewolf. And there’s one loose in Sunnydale, with predictably chaotic results. The Scoobies need to capture this hapless human before it can kill. But what will happen if the werewolf is someone close to home?
Hear us discuss…
- Oz and Willow are the cutest couple
- Willow goes from slut-shaming Cordelia to being confidantes?
- Get in the back seat, Xander!
- Homophobia isn’t a good look for anyone
- Poor Theresa, destined merely to be Angel’s messenger
Trigger warning

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
S2E14: "Innocence"
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Don’t have sex, because your boyfriend WILL turn evil and rejoin his former gang of vampire delinquents bent on destruction. Buffy missed that day in sex ed class though, and now Angel is once again Angelus, the brutal, sadistic killer who cut a bloody swath through Europe. But that’s not all! The Judge is nearly at full strength, and then Spike and Drusilla will unleash him on the Sunnydale Mall. Will Cordelia and Willow stop fighting over Xander long enough to come up with a plan? Or is the mall doomed?
Hear us discuss…
- All the flavours of lost innocence
- The particular brand of slut-shaming that is ’90s TV
- Stephanie has to chastise Willow and it breaks her heart
- We want just want to wrap Buffy in a blanket
- David Boreanaz is scary good at evil
Trigger warnings
Abuse, misogyny, sexuality, slut shaming
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
We love hearing from our listeners!

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
S2E13: "Surprise"
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Buffy has no idea that her friends are planning a surprise party for her 17th birthday. Even Cordelia is in on the fun as chips-and-dip girl! Buffy is too busy obsessing over Angel, Willow might be moving things along with Oz, and Jenny is … not having a good time with her family. Don’t worry, though. Spike and Drusilla have a plan cooked up that involves body parts and a big blue man. What could possibly go wrong?
Hear us discuss…
- Maximum. Bangel.
- Willow and Oz might be our everything?
- Jenny is super sketchy now.
- Do Buffy and Drusilla share some kind of psychic connection?

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Bonus! Interview with the Vampire (1994) Movie Review
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Renowned historian Anne Rice set out to answer the age-old question: why are vampires such sad bois? Enlisting the help of investigative journalist Christian Slater, Rice chronicles the life of 200-year-old Louis, along with his best friend Lestat and their plucky kid sister Claudia. From New Orleans to Paris, Louis searches for meaning in his immortal unlife. It turns out that the secret was within him all along: immortality is meaningless, especially if you are very bad at killing people.
Hear us discuss…
- The awesome costuming of this period piece (except for Antonio Banderas’ wig)
- Definitely no gay stuff here, nope
- Being immortal sucks!
- As with many ‘90s movies, just a little bit of racism on the side
- How did they get that horse to jump over that fire??
Trigger warnings
Racism, sexuality
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Jul 15, 2021
S2E12: "Bad Eggs"
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Don’t have sex, or you’ll have to take care of an egg that hatches into the offspring of a fleshy monster living beneath Sunnydale High! This is the lesson Buffy and the gang learn the hard way, with plenty of face punching and head trauma to go around. Oh, and also there are 2 Texan vampires in cowboy hats for some reason.
Hear us discuss…
- Joyce’s parenting is so hot and cold it could be a Katy Perry song
- Why are the Gorch brothers southern? Why are they even here?
- Get a room, Bangel!
- Xander has good quips but he’s still a jerk
- Buffy gets another badass pose moment
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Jul 08, 2021
S2E11: "Ted"
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Buffy discovers all those late nights Joyce has been working were actually to make out with Ted, a computer salesman who looks remarkably like John Ritter. Willow and Xander immediately take to Joyce’s new paramour, but Buffy isn’t so sure. As each encounter with him sets her more on edge, Buffy vows to get to the bottom of Ted’s toxic politeness. That is, until he pushes her over the edge, and Buffy unleashes the power of the Slayer on a mortal.
Hear us discuss…
- Buffy continues to act more her age here
- Such a tender scene between Buffy and Angel! Steph SWOONS!
- Joyce IS ACTUALLY HIGH this entire episode!!
- Once again with the not believing Buffy, wtf Scoobies?
- Cordelia’s flawless colour coordination saves the day
Trigger warnings
Domestic abuse/violence, drug abuse, murder
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- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Jul 01, 2021
S2E10: ”What’s My Line, Part 2”
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Kendra the Vampire Slayer is in town. So far she has nearly killed Angel and attacked Buffy. But it’s all a big misunderstanding—she thought Buffy and Angel were together, and that Angel is a vampire. Oh, maybe she understands perfectly. While the 2 Slayers team up to foil Spike, Buffy starts to dream that maybe with Kendra around she can retire and have a normal life after all.
Hear us discuss…
- So many gamechangers!
- Xander and Cordy? Oz and Willow? Who’s next, Snyder and Joyce?
- Where did Kendra learn about American teenage life?
- Are all monkeys actually French?
- So, what does 2 Slayers mean for Buffy? For the series?
Trigger warnings
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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