
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
S3E04: ”Beauty and the Beasts”
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
A mauled marching (jazz) band corpse means a beast is loose in Sunnydale. Initial signs point to Oz, but Buffy when learns there’s another beast out there—a wild, shirtless Angel—she fears the worst. While the gang tries to solve this mystery, Buffy must deal with Sunnydale High’s smoking psychologist and grapple with the fact that not all boyfriends are as innocuous as Scott Hope.
Hear us discuss…
- Why are we not surprised Xander failed Oz and Willow??
- Don’t you rush now to find a shirt, Angel
- History with Kara: what’s a card catalogue?
- Green goo: all the cool kids are drinking it
- Buffy needs better training on how to deal with abuse survivors
Trigger warnings
Domestic abuse/violence against women, drug abuse
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Emma Kravig
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Thursday Oct 21, 2021
S3E03: ”Faith, Hope & Trick”
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
School is back in session, but Buffy is still out of it. That doesn’t stop Willow, though, who wastes no time … pimping Buffy out to mild-mannered, eminently forgettable Scott Hope. Maybe Buffy can learn some tricks from the new Slayer in town, for Faith has rocked into Sunnydale to meet the famous “Buff” and get hungry and horny after some Slayage. Unfortunately, a business-savvy vampire and his ancient employer are on her tail, and even two Slayers not be enough.
Hear us discuss…
- How much fun a teenage-focused opening is!
- Faith’s dynamic with Buffy is so different from Kendra’s
- Mr. Trick makes a great first impression
- Stephanie really wants more excuses to use the word “kakistos”
- Giles. GILES. You magnificent, clever, loving bastard
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Thursday Oct 14, 2021
S3E02: ”Dead Man‘s Party”
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Buffy is back in Sunnydale, and everyone is … fine with that. Joyce decides to invite Buffy’s friends over for a party—with company plates, natch—only for the shindig to turn into a hootenanny. Overwhelmed, Buffy wants nothing more than to have quiet one-on-ones with her friends. Instead, she has to fight off a zombie apocalypse brought on by a mask her mother stole—er, borrowed—from her gallery. All in day’s work, as Buffy reassures Joyce.
Hear us discuss…
- Anthony Stewart Head’s ACTING!
- Steph and Kara have different amounts of sympathy for Willow
- But we all agree Xander can shut up now
- The zombies are … all right but not really the point of this story?
- RIP Pat, but rest assured Joyce will forget you by next week
Trigger warnings
Cultural appropriation/racism
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- prophecygirls.ca
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Thursday Oct 07, 2021
S3E1: ”Anne”
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
The summer has passed and the Scoobies are doing their best to pick up the slack with Buffy gone. Meanwhile, Buffy is trying her best to blend into the background as mild-mannered “Anne.” When she runs into someone who needs her help, however, she seems to have no choice but to dive into a demon dimension yet again and answer the ultimate question: who is she?
Hear us discuss…
- Sunnydale High is hoppin’!
- Joyce and Giles having a very real conversation
- Buffy can’t avoid who she is
- That fight choreography tho
- Poor A-aron, you never learn
Trigger warnings
Cults, death, sexual assault
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- prophecygirls.ca
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Monday Oct 04, 2021
Bonus! Angel on Trial
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Angel went from Buffy’s boyfriend to the Big Bad in season 2. His soulless persona, Angelus, stalked Buffy and her friends, killed Jenny Calendar, tortured Giles, smoke cigarettes, and tried to end the world.
Join Judges Steph and Kara as they weigh the evidence for and against Angel’s guilt before pronouncing judgment. Is the age gap between Angel and Buffy ok, gross, or illegal? Is Angel culpable for what Angelus does? Do Angel and Buffy belong together?
Court is now in session.
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- prophecygirls.ca
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Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Season 2 Wrap-Up
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
We review the second season of Buffy in its entirety.
Hear us discuss…
- Favourite and least favourite moments of season 2
- What we and the listeners thought about the main characters
- What we’re excited about for season 3
- NEW: Special discussion with spoilers at the end where we reflect on how the season reverberates across the series. The rest of the episode is spoiler-free.
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- prophecygirls.ca
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Thursday Sep 23, 2021
S2E22: ”Becoming, Part 2”
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Buffy is at her lowest point with Kendra dead, Willow comatose, Giles missing, and only Xander to lean on! But don’t worry—Spike is here, ready to switch sides, and Joyce is going to take the news that Buffy’s a Vampire Slayer extremely well. So now all Buffy has to worry about is killing her boyfriend before he sucks the world into hell. Even if she wins, she loses.
Hear us discuss…
- Why this might be the best episode of the series
- Buffy’s total acceptance of her Slayer destiny
- Spike is a vampire of the world
- Amazing fight sequences and tense dialogue
- SMG and DB sell the tragic, doomed love so well
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- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Sep 16, 2021
S2E21: ”Becoming, Part 1”
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Archaeologists unwittingly uncover exactly what Angelus needs to prove he is the Biggest Baddest of all—by sucking the entire world into Hell. Although a chance discovery leads to the recovery of Jenny Calendar’s translated Ritual of Restoration, Willow isn’t sure she can restore Angel’s soul in time. Buffy must make her move—and kill Angel, if necessary, to save the world. Meanwhile, we learn more about how Angel became a vampire and the events that brought him to Sunnydale and Buffy’s life.
Hear us discuss…
- Angel’s journey from villain to hero to villain again
- Surely Willow’s newfound love of black magic is safe
- Say what you will about Xander: he’s never afraid to be the biggest jerk
- Always have a spare sword, duh.
- Kendra’s back, yay—oh. Oh my. Never mind
Trigger warnings
Abuse, blood, death
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
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- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Sep 09, 2021
S2E20: ”Go Fish”
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Sunnydale’s swim team—you know, the swim team we’ve heard about all the time—is so close to winning state championships! Then Buffy has to go and dress slutty and tempt one of its members into raping her, naughty Buffy, resulting in a severe case of “broken nose.” Oh, and the rest of the swim team keeps turning into fish monsters. Bummer. Don’t worry though: speedo-clad Xander is on the case!
Hear us discuss…
- Xander … doesn’t suck in this episode?
- So much unnecessary dark stuff happening
- Stephanie is very thirsty for all the cute boys and Kara doesn’t know how to deal
- Cordelia has one of the funniest and most heartwarming scenes of the season
- Why so little Oz???
Trigger warnings
Ableism, body horror, murder, rape, slut-shaming
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Sep 02, 2021
S2E19: ”I Only Have Eyes for You”
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Some supernatural force at Sunnydale High is forcing people to re-enact a deadly confrontation between a student and teacher from 1955. Giles is convinced this force is the spirit of dear departed Jenny Calendar. Buffy and the rest of the Scoobies aren’t convinced. Will they be able to put these troubled spirits to rest before any more lives are lost? Or will Angelus take his hands off Drusilla long enough to make good on his promise to get rid of the Slayer once and for all?
Hear us discuss…
- How this episode deals so well with grief
- Our first example of some group magic!
- Steph has finally realized Angel and Dru are DOING IT
- How many people in Sunnydale are in on the secret of the Hellmouth?
- Spike should no longer be underestimated
Trigger warnings
Ableism, child abuse, death, gun violence, suicide, teacher–student relationship
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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