
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Bonus! Q&A with the Prophecy Girls
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Happy new year from the Prophecy Girls! We put out the call for questions and you asked in droves. Listen to our answers on everything from casting a reboot to who we would blaze it with (but isn’t that obvious?). Most importantly, discover how poorly we pronounce your name!
Spoilers ahead!
Hear us discuss…
- Best villains, arcs, and other highlights of the show
- Whether or not you are the only one annoyed by Dawn
- What would we add or take away from the series?
- How Steph blackmailed—er, convinced—Kara to start the podcast
- What we’re most excited about from future seasons!
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
Join us on Discord: https://prophecygirls.ca/discord
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Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Bonus! Twilight (2008) Movie Review
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Once upon a time, another Stephenie was also obsessed with vampires. Sexy vampires that glitter! But not so sexy you’d actually have sex with them before marriage, because that’s wrong. This Stephenie wrote a book that became a movie that became a phenomenon known as the Twilight series. The plot? Girl meets boy, boy is a bloodsucking fiend, boy has to help girl flee other bloodsucking fiends who aren’t good vegetarians like him. Truly a tale as old as time.
Hear us discuss…
- The metric tonne of pretty privilege at work here
- Kristen Stewart’s pitch-perfect portrayal of teen girl horniness
- Woman power behind the camera, and why we need more of it
- These vampires are so silly and it’s great
- Did Joyce write this movie? Because this movie is tripping balls
Trigger warnings
Blood, immolation, sexual harassment
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
Join us on Discord: https://prophecygirls.ca/discord
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Thursday Dec 23, 2021
S3E12: ”Helpless”
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
The Watchers’ Council woke up this morning and chose violence. Literally. While Buffy is dreaming of ice shows with daddy, Daddy Giles injects her with a suspicious substance. Coincidentally, Buffy’s powers begin to wane. It’s all part of a plan to test the Slayer by sending her into a deadly situation de-powered and utterly betrayed. Worst. Birthday present. Ever.
Hear us discuss…
- The betrayal of fathers, biological and otherwise
- Oh Faith, where art thou?
- Our discomfort with a lot of the choices in this ep
- Buffy is a serious badass with or without Slayer powers!
- The real enemy, as usual, is the patriarchy
Trigger warnings
Drug use (forced), kidnapping, sexual harassment, torture
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
Join us on Discord: https://prophecygirls.ca/discord
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Thursday Dec 16, 2021
S3E11: ”Gingerbread”
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Joyce’s attempt support Buffy’s Slaying by bringing her dinner in a bag is cut short by the discovery of two murdered children. Scarred, Joyce creates an army of moms to take back Sunnydale from the witches and Slayers. And if she and Willow’s mom have to burn their daughters at the stake to do that, well, that’s a small price to pay for avenging the deaths of these two children no one had ever seen before.
Hear us discuss…
- We learn Willow’s mom’s name rather quickly!
- We will never tire of Buffy calling out Xander’s BS
- The funniest name for the Devil
- Angel’s heroic pep talk
- Where is our gingerbread? LIES!
Trigger warnings
Bullying, child death
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
Join us on Discord: https://prophecygirls.ca/discord
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Thursday Dec 09, 2021
S3E10: ”Amends”
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
It’s the most wonderful time of the year … to feel guilty about murdering hundreds of people over the course of your undead lifetime. At first Angel tries to deal with this on his own, but when Buffy gets involved via her dreams, she and the rest of the Scoobies resolve to help him. Something is amplifying Angel’s guilt, and whatever it is won’t rest until Angel succumbs to his evil within … or takes himself out of the picture, forever.
Hear us discuss…
- Buffy can’t pull off baby bangs. No one can.
- Snow-less Cali Christmases are weird to these two Canadians
- “Maybe you shouldn’t help” should be Xander’s motto!
- At least Buffy and Angel can get it on in their dreams?
- This ending is one of the heaviest to date
Trigger warnings
Sexual assault, suicide ideation/attempted suicide
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
Join us on Discord: https://prophecygirls.ca/discord
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Thursday Dec 02, 2021
S3E09: ”The Wish”
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Cordelia is back and she’s over Xander Harris. So over him that she definitely isn’t pretending to kiss other boys or talking about him constantly. Eventually, she talks to the wrong (or right?) person, new girl Anya who shares Cordy’s love for designer labels but also happens to be a demon out to grant wishes of revenge. Cordelia’s wish that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale catapults her through the looking glass into a twisted version of her hometown … and Xander and Willow are still into each other! This girl cannot catch a break.
Hear us discuss…
- So you’re just going to leave that demon corpse there?
- We cannot with Xander’s revisionist history
- All these actors are so old!
- We are here for queer-coded vamp Willow
- Steph is ready to be Asian Anya in the reboot CALL HER
Trigger warnings
Bullying, mechanical exsanguination, neck snapping, torture
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
Join us on Discord: https://prophecygirls.ca/discord
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Thursday Nov 25, 2021
S3E08: ”Lover‘s Walk”
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
It’s your boy, Spike, back in town to wreak havoc and … feel sorry for himself? That’s right, the bad boy has been reduced to emo boy after being dumped by Dru. Circumstances conspire to cause him to kidnap Xander and Willow in the hopes that Willow can cast a love spell that brings Dru back to him. The clock is ticking for Angel and Buffy to find her friends—but Cordelia and Oz beat them to it, with devastating consequences.
Hear us discuss…
- We just love that Spike is back
- Angel is being a supportive bf
- In fact, everyone is being super supportive of Buffy, yay!
- Willow seriously needs to learn about consent
- Cordelia and Oz do not deserve any of this
Trigger warnings
Body horror, traumatic injury
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
Join us on Discord: https://prophecygirls.ca/discord
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Thursday Nov 18, 2021
S3E07: ”Revelations”
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Why is Buffy’s hair so big? It’s full of secrets! Buffy has secrets, Willow has secrets, Xander has secrets but doesn’t mind exposing others’ for fun and profit. When Buffy’s secrets come out, it rocks the Scoobies. If that isn’t enough to deal with, Faith’s new Watcher has arrived, eager to criticize everyone and get her hands on a magical glove. Friendships strain, Slayers battle, and Angel finally finds a shirt.
Hear us discuss…
- Gwendolyn Post comes in hot and leaves no survivors
- Why are we not surprised by Xander being so self-serving?
- Faith’s past trauma influencing her new relationships
- Angel knows so much about Lagos and this glove!
- Who’s the better fighter, Buffy or Faith??
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Nov 11, 2021
S3E06: ”Band Candy”
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
The marching jazz band, Sunnydale High’s last hope for championship glory, needs new uniforms, and that means it’s time to sell chocolate bars! Buffy chafes under yet another duty added to her oversupervised, overscheduled life when she would rather be watching a shirtless Angel. But then the adults in Sunnydale start acting more like Buffy than, well, Buffy herself. As she and the Scoobies try to figure out what’s happening, Buffy discovers two things: it’s no fun being the most mature person in the room, and she does not want to know where her mom got those handcuffs.
Hear us discuss…
- Stephanie is an old and cranky white woman at heart
- Xander and Willow continue to disappoint
- Buffy has a poor grasp of the size of New Brunswick
- What happened to all the leftover candy?
- Joyce and Giles TOTALLY BONED
Trigger warnings
Ableism, substance use
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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Thursday Nov 04, 2021
S3E05: ”Homecoming”
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
When Mr. Trick returns to Sunnydale to organize the first ever SlayerFest, Buffy faces her toughest fight yet: battling Cordelia for the title of homecoming queen. As if that weren’t enough, all of her friends seem to have deserted her for Cordelia’s camp. But not all is right among the Scoobies, for two of them have treachery in their hearts and cheating upon their lips. What happens when the one person you can trust is also out to take your crown?
Hear us discuss…
- It’s nice for Buffy to be doing normal high school things
- Homecoming queen competitions are sexist
- RIP Kulak of the Miquot Clan, we barely knew you!
- Giles PLEASE go get your head scanned already
- And nothing else. NOTHING ELSE happens in this episode that we care to discuss 😠😭
Trigger warning
- @prophecygirlspodcast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
- @prophecy_girls on Twitter
- prophecygirls.ca
✉ Email us at prophecygirlspodcast@gmail.com
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