
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
S4E21: ”Primeval”
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Adam’s plan comes to fruition as he infiltrates the Initiative and threatens to transform Riley into his obedient demonoid brother. Out of time and ideas, Buffy, Willow, Giles, and Xander have no choice but to attempt a dangerous spell that harnesses their combined attributes and the ancient power of the Slayer line. Can Giles’s magic gourd save them all?
Hear us discuss…
- Spike did too good of a job breaking up the band
- The reunion, though, is so worth it
- Riley is heroic here? Stupid, but also heroic
- What happened to the Initiative employees who called in sick?
- Poor Adam: you’re no match for One Punch Buffy
Trigger warnings
Body horror
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Thursday Sep 29, 2022
S4E20: ”The Yoko Factor”
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
How do you break up a band? Tasked by Adam to make sure the Scoobies won’t be standing by Buffy’s side in the battle to come, Spike visits each one and sows the seeds of discord. At the same time, Buffy is having to manage the feelings of her boyfriend and her ex because someone couldn’t keep his big mouth shut about her sex life.
Hear us discuss…
- Shut up, Xander
- Spike is so smart (but EVIL) in this episode!
- Is it Willow’s laptop, or Giles’s? Stay tuned
- Riley, we were this close to feeling sympathy for you
- Buffy is just having a really bad day
Trigger warning
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Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Angel S1E18&E19: ”Five by Five” and ”Sanctuary”
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
A forlorn Faith arrives in Los Angeles. With no hopes, no aspirations, no sense of direction, she naturally mugs the first guy who tries to take advantage of her. From there, she falls in with some evil lawyers and happily agrees to kill Angel, but it doesn’t go as planned. Angel would much rather save Faith’s soul—but when his jealous and spiteful ex arrives from Sunnydale, that becomes a lot more difficult. Cordelia goes on vacation.
Hear us discuss…
- Faith needs to know her worth as an assassin
- Angel’s deep-seated need to see the value in people
- Wesley, make up your damn mind about something
- Did Buffy switch bodies with Xander for this episode??
- Whatever else you think about him, topless Angel? Still got it
Trigger warnings
Assault, blood, rape, torture
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Thursday Sep 15, 2022
S4E19: ”New Moon Rising”
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
When Oz suddenly returns to Sunnydale, Willow must confront her feelings for Tara. Meanwhile, Riley considers his future with the Initiative, and Spike entertains a proposition from Adam. It’s time to decide where love and loyalties lie. In the wise words of Buffy Summers, “No matter what, somebody’s gonna get hurt.”
Hear us discuss…
- Tara’s emotional maturity is off the charts
- The powerfulness of coming out scenes
- The Scoobies are straight-up terrorists now
- Spadam is the ship we didn’t know we were waiting for
- This episode has all the feels
Trigger warnings
Kidnapping, torture
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Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Bonus: The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) Movie Review
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Steph and Kara have werewolves on their mind this week, so what better way to start it than with a review of Steph’s least favourite Twilight movie, New Moon? Jacob Black comes into his own in this tale of two lovers—Edward and Bella—so determined to be star-crossed even though Romeo and Juliet wish they had it as good as those two. With twice the action, twice the moping, and twice the toxic messages about teenage love, New Moon is certainly twice the movie of Twilight. Shame it never sticks the landing.
Hear us discuss…
- Edward being a petty bitch
- We love a good montage
- Jacob, we were almost cheering for you. So close.
- This movie exists just to introduce Dakota Fanning, right?
- Bella, stop asking other people to vote on your life!
Trigger warnings
Blood, self-harm, suicide
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Thursday Sep 08, 2022
S4E18: ”Where the Wild Things Are”
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Birds do it. Bees do it. Buffy and Riley do it. And do it, and do it, and … well, you get the picture. Nothing will stop Ruffy from getting it on: not demon/vampire team-ups, not Xander/Anya angst, certainly not another haunted frat house. Don’t forget to try the new orgasm wall when you come.
Hear us discuss…
- So glad Buffy and Riley worked through all their trauma already
- At least they used condoms
- Anya and Spike have so much in common!
- So … many … tangents
- Oh there’s a drought in Cali? Because Giles got us soaked
Trigger warnings
Child abuse (mentioned), self-harm, sex
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Thursday Sep 01, 2022
S4E17: ”Superstar”
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Buffy and Riley have been through a lot lately. Thankfully, Jonathan is there to provide his usual sage counsel while also giving Buffy the slaying assist she so often needs. With the Initiative finally bringing Jonathan in to consult about Adam, that threat will hopefully soon be neutralized as well. But after Jonathan brushes off two attacks on innocents by a new monster in town, Buffy begins to suspect what Adam already knows: this version of Sunnydale is built on LIES.
Hear us discuss…
- Admit it, Xander, you scream Jonathan’s name during sex too
- Buffy and Riley will talk to anyone but each other about what happened
- Adam is what you get if you power Joe Rogan with uranium
- A world without shrimp? Count us OUT
- So Jonathan just gets off with another warning??
Trigger warnings
Incest, sexual assault/rape
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Thursday Aug 25, 2022
S4E16: ”Who Are You”
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
WWBSD? “What would Buffy Summers do?” This is the question Faith must ask herself now that she has switched bodies with the goody-good Slayer. As Faith sets out to put her old life behind her and embrace the Buffy of it all, she must deal with horrible, terrible experiences, like the support and affection of her loved ones, and dating Riley Finn. Thankfully, Willow and Tara find a way to save Buffy that involves the two of them having sex via magic, and if that’s not a good day at the office, what is?
Hear us discuss…
- The sheer acting chops of SMG and Eliza Dushku!
- Walking the line between sympathizing with/condemning Faith
- But sympathizing more with Riley??? What’s going on?
- Adam continues to be very boring
- More orgasm magic please!!
Trigger warnings
Medical content, misogyny, sexual assault/rape
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Thursday Aug 18, 2022
S4E15: ”This Year’s Girl”
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
There’s no easy way to say this: Faith is back, baby, and she’s pissed off. But the Sunnydale she knew—the Sunnydale with an evil mayor who just wanted to turn into a giant snake and kill the graduating class, as if that was too much to ask—is gone. Worse still, Faith’s mortal enemy, goody two-shoes Buffy Summers, is larking around UC Sunnydale with a new boytoy and not a care in the world. Adrift in this brave new world, Faith is hungry and horny for one thing: revenge, at its most destructive.
Hear us discuss…
- The terrible state of Sunnydale Hospital
- Poor Riley, just trying to help but too himbo to know how
- Faith, girl, you lookin’ goooood after that 8-month coma treatment!
- Willow’s hatred for Faith: justified, or misplaced angst over Xander?
- Joyce Summers is MILF goals
Trigger warnings
Medical content, stabbing
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Thursday Aug 11, 2022
S4E14: ”Goodbye Iowa”
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Maggie Walsh tried to kill Buffy, but the Slayer lives. Maggie, on the other hand, is dead—not at Buffy’s hands but rather from the arm needle of her own Frankensteined creation, Adam. When Buffy infiltrates the Initiative looking for answers, she comes face to face with Adam and his brutal addiction to floppy disk–driven exposition. Adam handily beats Buffy and a withdrawal-suffering Riley before disappearing to dissect another day. One monster is dead, and another has risen.
Hear us discuss…
- Spike is in fine form in this episode
- It’s hard to feel sympathy for someone as boring as Riley
- We … agree … with Xander??
- Willy, we love what you’ve done with the place
- Steph is still on the mystery of demonic poop—floppy disk edition!
Trigger warnings
Addiction/withdrawal, child death, drugs
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